Useful Information
We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions and answers for your convenience. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please get in touch and we’ll respond to your inquiry as quickly as possible.
What train stations is this service offered in?
Our services are provided in the following train stations: Van siclen ave, liberty ave, & Sheperd ave on the local C train line.
Do I need insurance to use this service?
No, our service is free and open to all New Yorkers who need them regardless of if they have insurance or not.
What can Silver assistants help me carry?
Silver assistant can help carry the following:
- Carts
- Bags
- Strollers
- Small furniture items
- Bicycles
- Laundry
Silver assistants can't help carry the following:
- Trash items (plastic bottles, trash cans, trash bags, etc.)
- Sharp objects
- Chemicals
- Weapons
- Animals
Silver assistants have the right to deny carrying items that they may deem unsanitary or unsafe.
What time is this service available?
The schedule for when our services are available can be found in the bar menu at the top of the website.
How do I approach a Silver assistant?
To receive help from a Silver assistant simply go up to a booth and ask for help carrying the item you have. If you suffer from physical disabilities you can also ask for help going up or down the stairs.